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Here we have compiled resources related to bioinformatics and computing in general. These resources may be general or related to our trainings. We have also compiled links to other online resources.


[ Installing command line software with conda/mamba ]

[ Downloading sequencing data from the Bauer Core ]

[ Whole genome alignment with Cactus ]

➰ [ Pangenome inference with Cactus-minigraph ]

We are developing tutorials for other bioinformatics tasks. Check back soon!

Computing glossary

Like any specific domain, the way we talk about computing and programming is almost its own language. Words in this context may have different meaning than in other contexts. As programmers ourselves, we are so used to using words in the context of programming that we sometimes forget others aren't used to it. This is one of the biggest roadblocks to teaching and learning.

Here we have compiled a long list of computer and programming related terms in (hopefully) plain language as a resource for anyone learning about programming to look up if they don't understand a term that they heard or read.

Let us know if there is something we should add!

View the glossary

External resources

We have compiled a list of external resources and tagged them with the categories below. Click on each tag to see the links!