Harvard Informatics Bioinformatics Tips Workshop
Welcome to the first day of the FAS Informatics Bioinformatics Tips & Tricks workshop!
If you’re viewing this file on the website, you are viewing the final, formatted version of the workshop. The workshop itself will take place in the RStudio program and you will edit and execute the code in this file. Please download the raw file here.
This is the workshop file that should be opened in RStudio. This is an RMarkdown file, meaning that both formatted text and code blocks can be added to it, and the code blocks can be executed from the RStudio interface. RStudio also has an easy to access Terminal tab which is how one would normally execute Unix commands. For this workshop, we will be going through this document and copy-pasting code blocks within it to run in the terminal to demonstrate some basic concepts. We will also be doing exercises directly in the terminal panel of RStudio. Once you’ve got the correct command, you can paste it into the RMarkdown document to keep a record.
Bioinformatic Tools, Part 1
The first two days of this workshop are designed to get you familiar with the different types of common file formats you will often come across in many bioinformatics pipelines, and are designed to mimic the flow of a typical pipeline from raw sequence files to variants called against a reference genome. In this first session we will discuss sequence files and alignment files, as well as some tools and commands used to manipulate them!
A note on Unix commands
We should ground ourselves a bit before we get too into the weeds,
simply by defining what we mean when we say the word command. A
command is basically just an instruction to tell a program to do
something. It is a chunk of code that someone has written that takes
input, processes that input, and produces output. The really common and
useful chunks of code (e.g. ls
or cd
) have become mainstays in
modern operating systems to the extent that we don’t even need to think
about the underlying code, but it is there.
Seeing a bunch of these commands with weird names (like grep
and awk
and samtools
) and lots of options (e.g. -l
, -c
, -A10
, etc.) can
make things really confusing for someone that’s not used to dealing with
them. Many commands, and a lot of bioinformatics in general, simply rely
on plain-text formatted files. When it comes down to it, most of the
commands we’ll use over the next few days, no matter how complicated
they look, really just do the following:
formatted text -> command -> processed text
(Technically, this kind of command is called a ‘filter’. Some commands,
such as ls
, don’t operate on text, and others, such as cd
, don’t
even produce output. But these details aren’t that important for our
class today.)
This is central to the Unix philosophy. And this means that two things are really important:
- Text formatting is very important! Knowing the expected input format for a command means you can format your data correctly and know which files can be used with the command.
- Being able to easily view and manipulate text files becomes crucial for a productive bioinformatician. An important aspect of this is that one should always look at their data! That way they can get familiar with the different types of file formats out there and become accustomed to spotting errors before moving on with their data processing or analysis.
Some common file formats in data science simply encode tables of
data with rows being observations and columns being features of each
observation. Columns are usually are usually designated by a separator
character, commonly comma (,
) with files that have .csv
extensions or a tab (often encoded as \t
) with files that have
or .tab
extensions. File extensions are a nice way to
give us a clue to how the data in the file is formatted. But note that
the extension does not necessarily define how the data is formatted
– the agreement between the file’s extension and its format is not
enforced by the machine and is only meant to be descriptive. You may
sometimes find a tab delimited file with the .txt
extension, or even
with .csv
! Best practices dictate that the extension match the
formatting, but best practices are not always followed.
In this workshop we will also see file formats specific for genomic
data: sequences are encoded in .fasta
or .fastq
files, alignments of
sequenced reads are encoded in .sam
files, intervals in a genome are
encoded in .bed
files, and genomic variation relative to a reference
genome is encoded in .vcf
files. Though I will note that, with the
exception of .fasta
and .fastq
files, these are all simply tab
delimited files with columns specific to genomic data!
For more information on some common genomics file formats, see here: https://harvardinformatics.github.io/workshops/2024-spring/biotips/terms.html#formats
One of the most important things I can tell you about bioinformatics is to always remember what file formats your data are in!
A note on terminology
In the section above and throughout this workshop we use a lot of context dependent terms. For instance, you probably know what the word “command” means in general usage, but in the context of computer science it has a specific meaning that may not be obvious. This brings up an important point I try to remember when teaching. When learning a new skill or set of skills there’s usually a whole new vocabulary to learn that goes along with it. What makes it difficult is that those teaching the new skill will use this vocabulary, and since they are so familiar with it they oftentimes won’t even realize people don’t know what the words they’re using mean in the context of the new skillset.
In an attempt to offset this unintentional language barrier we provide tables with some contextual definitions of terms we may use throughout the workshop at the following link:
If you see or hear any terms you think should be added to these tables, please let us know.
To avoid having to either type out out long paths or copy workshop data to your local directory, we’ll create a symbolic link (analogous to a Windows shortcut) in your current working directory called “data” that points to the workshop data directory.
Run the following command to create a link to our data directory in your current directory:
Note that whenever you see the > character followed by green text, this is an exercise or action to be done by you!
ln -s -f /n/holylfs05/LABS/informatics/Everyone/workshop-data/biotips-2024/day1 data1
# ln: The Unix link command, which can create shortcuts to folders and files at the provided path to the second provided path
# -s: This option tells ln to create a symbolic link rather than a hard link (original files are not changed)
# -f: This option forces ln to create the link
ls -l data1
# Show the details of the new linked directory
Now you can access a given file in that directory by simply referencing
in your code.
Sequence files
Probably the most common file format used to represent biological sequences is the FASTA format (whose name is derived from a software package written in the 1980s). A FASTA file is composed of a number of entries, and can be either protein or nucleotide sequences. An “entry” can represent a number of things; for instance, if you were working with a FASTA file that you got back from the sequencing center, each entry would correspond to a single read off the sequencer. Alternatively, if you downloaded a whole genome assembly off NCBI, each entry would correspond to a scaffold or contig in the assembly.
Each entry is comprised of two lines: - Header line, which starts with
a >
symbol. This contains the unique name for each entry
(e.g. >chr1), optionally followed by additional metadata. - Sequence
line, which follows a header line. This is a string of either
nucleotides or amino acids and represents the actual sequence
Note: for some FASTA files, the sequence line can be set to wrap every certain number of characters (e.g. every 50 nucleotides). These are referred to as multi-line FASTA, and can make your life difficult…make sure you know whether your FASTA is multi-line or single-line! For example,
The sequences in these two examples are identical, but one is broken up by lines. Most programs can automatically handle both types of FASTA files, but as we stated above, if you parse your own FASTA files, you need to be aware of the difference!
Now, let’s look at a small test FASTA file as an example. There are many different ways to view the contents of a file at the command line. Here are a few tools that are included in a typical Unix-like system (e.g. the Cannon computing cluster here at Harvard) that we will be using today:
: prints entire file to screen (short for conCATenate)head
: prints the first 10 lines of a file by default. We can change how many lines printed by adding the-n #
argument, e.g.head -n 5
prints only the first five linestail
: the opposite ofhead
, it prints the last 10 lines of a fileless
: rather than printing the entire file contents to screen at once,less
allows you to scroll through using the arrow keys. Usingless
will open the file as a sub-window; closeless
by pressing ‘q’. This is especially useful when working with large fileswc -l
: technically this is not a way to view a file’s contents, but is still good to know!wc
stands for ‘word count’, which as the name suggests counts the number of words in the file, and the-l
argument instead makes it count the number of lines in the file
OK, now let’s actually look at the file! Since it is only a small test
file, we will use cat
Run the following command in the terminal to view an example FASTA formatted file:
cat data1/test.fa
# cat: A Unix command to display the contents of a file (or multiple files) to the screen
Let’s also see how many lines are in the file.
Run the code below in the terminal to count the lines in the FASTA file:
Exercise: Write a command using one of the tools listed above to display only the first 4 lines of the FASTA file. Once you’ve got it, run it in the terminal to check and make sure it works.
A note about getting help
We can see with the wc
command that we are using the -l
option to
tell the command to count lines in our file. How do we find out about
what other options this command might have? Well, searching the internet
is fine, but most command line tools also have built in help.
Run the following command in the terminal to see the help menu for the
is itself a command, short for manual. Most command line tools
that come built in with Linux have a manual page that you can read with
the man
Tools that you install yourself, such as samtools
that we will discuss
later, usually don’t have man pages. However, many programs have a
command line help that can be accessed with the -h
or --help
options, or alternatively will display their help output if run with no
arguments or options.
Back to fasta files
Because they are so universal to bioinformatics, it is worthwhile to get comfortable with FASTA files and all the useful information we can pull out of them! To do so, let’s look at our first command line tool:
Manipulating files with grep
is a powerful command-line search tool that is included as part
of Unix-like systems. At the most basic level, grep
searches for a
string of characters that match a pattern and will print lines
containing a match. The basic syntax is as follow:
grep 'pattern' file_to_search.txt
This may seem simple, but grep
is one of the most useful tools in
bioinformatics! For example, if we wanted the sequence headers for every
entry in our FASTA file, we could do the following.
Run the code block below in the terminal to print all the sequence headers in the FASTA file to the screen:
grep '>' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# '>': The string to search for in the provided file
By default, grep
will return a match if any part of the string
matches your pattern. For instance, say we wanted to pull out the
headers that correspond only to chromosomes. If you attempt to match
pattern c
what would happen?
Exercise: Write a grep command to print all lines that contain the ‘c’ character in the FASTA file. Run the code in the terminal.
You can see that not only are we pulling out headers that do not correspond to chromosomes, we are even getting a sequence line that contains a lowercase ‘c’! We would instead need be more specific with the string we are trying to search for.
Exercise: Use a more specific string pattern to match only headers that correspond to chromosomes in the FASTA file. Run the code in the terminal.
This is getting better…notice that by matching >chr
we are correctly
getting the line ‘>chromosome4’, as it is still a partial match.
However, we are still missing a sequence, ‘>Chr3’! This is because by
default grep
is case-sensitive. Thankfully, we can fix that.
Modifying grep
can take a huge number of arguments that modify how it behaves
(which you can always check by typing man grep
), but here we will
highlight just a few that are especially useful.
grep -i
allows case-insensitive matches. So to return to our above
problem, we can specify to ignore the case.
Run the code below to print all lines that contain the ‘>chr’ string in the FASTA file, ignoring the case of the letters in the string:
grep -i '>chr' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -i: An option the tells grep to ignore the case of the matches, e.g. >chr will match >CHr and >Chr, etc., as well as >chr
# '>chr': The string to search for in the provided file
grep -c
counts the number of times a match occurs. One of the most
useful applications of this is to determine how many entries there are
in a FASTA file.
Run the code block below to use grep to count the number of sequences in a FASTA file:
grep -c '>' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -c: An option the tells grep to simply count the number of lines that contain the provided string
# '>': The string to search for in the provided file
grep -v
inverts grep, printing every line that does NOT match the
pattern. E.g. we want to pull out just the sequences from a FASTA file
and not the headers.
Exercise: Write a command to use grep to print out only the lines that contain sequence and not the headers in the FASTA file. Then record the working code in the code block below.
There are also several options that display not only the line that contains the matching string, but the lines before and/or after it:
grep -B [n]
returns matching line and n lines before matchgrep -A [n]
returns matching line and n lines after matchgrep -C [n]
returns matching line and n lines before and after match
We can use grep -A
to pull out both the header and the sequence for a
particular entry of interest (assuming that the FASTA file is
single-line and not multi-line!).
Run the code below to print both the headers that contain a certain string as well as the sequences (since this is not a multi-line FASTA file):
grep -A 1 '>chr1' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -A 1: An option the tells grep to display the line right after each line that contains the provided string as well as the line with the match
# '>chr1': The string to search for in the provided file
Note that this is actually pulling out two entries, due to the
partial matching of the pattern we used. To get around this problem, we
can use grep -w
, which forces grep
to match entire words, in
combination with the -A argument.
Run the code below to print both the headers that contain an exact match of a certain string as well as the sequences (since this is not a multi-line FASTA file):
grep -A 1 -w '>chr1' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -A 1: An option the tells grep to display the line right after each line that contains the provided string as well as the line with the match
# -w: This option tells grep to only print lines that EXACTLY match the provided string
# '>chr1': The string to search for in the provided file
Write a grep command that searches for a particular sequence motif in our FASTA file and prints the whole line containing that sequence as well as the sequence header associated with that sequence. Remember that the FASTA sequence is not multi-line. Search for the following sequence motif: GGGTCGTCGT When finished, copy the working code to the code block below.
The last argument we will discuss is grep -f patterns.txt
, which has
slightly different syntax. This takes a text file of patterns (with a
single pattern per line) and prints every line that matches each pattern
in the file, which is useful if you have multiple patterns!
There are numerous ways to make the text file. One option is using a
text editor program that is built into the command line called nano
Think of it like TextEdit on a Mac, but more barebones and no graphical
user interface.
To create a text file, type nano nameOfFile.txt
. This will open up a
sub-window where you can type freely. At the bottom of the screen are a
list of keyboard shortcuts with various functions; the most important is
, i.e. Control+X
, which prompts you to save your work and closes
the window.
Let’s make our text file with patterns to match! Run the code below to generate a file containing a set of strings to search for:
nano matches.txt
# nano: A Unix command to open a text file, which we called matches.txt
# 1. Type >chr2, hit 'Enter', then type >Chr3
# 2. Press Control+X to save and close the window
cat matches.txt
# Display the contents of the new file to the screen
You should see the following text:
Run the code below to search for lines in our FASTA file that contain any of a set of strings in a provided file:
grep -f matches.txt data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -f: This option tells grep to read each line in the following file and search for lines in the provided file that contain any of the strings
Regular expressions
One last way that we can modify how grep
behaves is with regular
expressions, a.k.a regex. Regex are patterns that describe a set of
strings. In other words, they allow you to match complex patterns with
(and other Unix commands), not just exact matches! Regex are
extremely powerful and customizable, but can get very complicated, so we
will just go over a few that are especially useful.
matches pattern at start of string$
matches pattern at end of string.
matches any character (except a newline)[ ]
matches any of enclosed characters. Can use in conjunction with ‘A-Z’ or ‘0-9’, i.e.:[A-Za-z]
matches any alphabetical character, upper or lower case[0-9]
matches any numeric character
So a more careful way to count the number of entries in a FASTA file
would be by matching all the lines that start with a >
Run the code below to search for FASTA sequence headers:
grep -c '^>' data1/test.fa
# grep: The Unix string search command
# '^>': The string to search for in the provided file with ^ being the regular expression that matches the beginning of a line in a file
(Technically there shouldn’t be any >
characters outside the start of
the headers so you wouldn’t need the ^
, but it is good to be
Exercise: Write a grep command with regular expression to find all of the lines in our FASTA file that end with a number. Then copy the working code to the code block below.
A quick aside about quotes:
A common point of confusion when running commands in the bash
shell is
whether to use single quote marks '
or double quotes "
. You might
find that sometimes it doesn’t seem to matter and the command will work
both ways, but other times the command will not work as expected or will
give an error.
The main difference is that using double quotes "
in the shell will
expand a variable, while single quotes '
will not! Let’s look in
the case of grep
what happens when we use single quotes vs double
quotes around our pattern:
#This defines a shell variable VAR to the string "hello world"
VAR="hello world"
#This command will look for the literal string $VAR in the file
grep '$VAR' file.txt
#This command will look for the VALUE of the variable, "hello world"
#I.e. it expands that variable
grep "$VAR" file.txt
This will become more relevant in later workshops when we talk about
shell variables, but for now just keep it in mind. Also note that this
is true for ALL commands in the bash
shell, not just grep
One final note: you might have even noticed that with grep
technically you don’t even need to put quote marks around your pattern
at all, and it will still return a match. This will work if the pattern
is a single word…however, if there is white space or you are using a
regex pattern , it will not! E.g.
#This will look for the pattern "hello" in the files world and file.txt
#I.e. it thinks "world" is a file and not part of the pattern
grep hello world file.txt
Let’s take a look at a FASTA file that more closely matches one that you
might encounter in the wild. The file
is the Drosophila
melanogaster genome assembly, though a simplified version in order to
save space in our github repository :). We’ll use this for the following
Run the following code just to get a look at the top of this file:
head data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
# head: a Unix command to display the first 10 lines of the provided file
So you can see an actual FASTA file may be a lot more complicated than our test one. The header contains a lot of information, and the sequence is very long. Importantly, note that the sequences are on a single line, which is important if we do something like counting sequences.
Exercise: Use
to pull out headers corresponding to ’Unmapped_Scaffold’s. Then copy the working code to the code block below.
Exercise: Use
to make sure that the FASTA file contains the same amount of headers and sequences lines. There a few ways you could do this, but it will take more than one command! Write all the different ways you found to the code block below.
Exercise: Use
to pull out the header and sequence line for the chromosome2R
and only 2R. Write your answer in the code block below.Exercise: Use
to pull out the header and sequence line for the chromosome2R
and only 2R. Write your answer in the code block below.
Exercise: Use
to count the number of sequences that end with the pattern ‘TATTC_’, where the _ can be any other nucleotide. BONUS: Also find out the names of the scaffolds for these sequences.
## Write a command to count the number of sequences that end with TATTC_, where _ can be any other nucleotide
# data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
grep -c 'TATTC[ATGC]$' data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
grep -c 'TATTC.$' data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
grep -c 'TATTC[A-Z]$' data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
## BONUS: Write a command to also find out the names of the scaffolds of these sequences
grep -B1 'TATTC[ATGC]$' data1/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.50.simple.fasta
FASTQ files
The other type of sequence file format we will discuss is FASTQ, which as the name suggests, is similar to FASTA format but also contains quality information about the sequence. You will commonly encounter FASTQ files when working with sequencing pipelines, as second generation technologies like Illumina as well as 3rd generation technologies like PacBio and Nanopore output their data in this format. Each entry is comprised of four lines, as opposed to the two of FASTA:
- Header line which starts with an
symbol and contains the sequence ID - Sequence line comprised of nucleotides
- Spacer line which is just a
character (an optionally the sequence ID again) - Quality line which is a string of ASCII characters, each character corresponding to a base in the nucleotide sequence
Let’s look at an example file.
Run the code below to view the first few lines of a FASTQ file:
head -n 8 data1/test.fq
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
# -n 8: This option tells head to only display the first 8 lines of the file
Here we see two sequences, @ERR1013163.116808442/1
, which based on these IDs are probably to ends
of a paired-end sequence read. The line directly following the header
contains the familiar ATCG nucleotide symbols, and then there is a line
with a +
, simply meant to provide some space. Next, we see a line with
seemingly random characters.
These characters correspond to the Phred quality score of the base at
the same position in the sequence string. So the first quality score of
the first sequence, 7
, matches with the first base in the sequence
string, T
, and so on. The quality score is actually a numerical
value encoded as a single character and is expressed by a Q score.
These reflect the probability that that base is accurate. Q scores are
calculated by:
Q = -10 * log10(P)
where P = the error calling probability for that base. In short, a
higher Q score == a higher confidence call, e.g. Q10 = 90% base call
accuracy, Q30 = 99.9% accuracy, etc. To get its corresponding symbol,
add +33 to the Q score to get the ASCII code and take the symbol that
corresponds to that code; e.g. Q10 == +
, Q30 == ?
. For reference,
here is a table
that lists Q scores and their corresponding ASCII codes and values. Most
programs that handle FASTQ files translate these symbols for you, so
don’t worry about having to convert back and forth manually!
Let’s take a look at parsing FASTQ files for information. We can try
to use grep
to count the number of entries in the file, remembering
that header lines start with @
and not >
Run the code block below to count the number of times the
symbol appears in the FASTQ file:
grep -c '^@' data1/test.fq
# grep: The Unix string search command
# -c: This option tells grep to simply count the number of lines that contain the provided string, rather than display the lines
# '^@': The string to search for in the provided file with ^ being the regular expression that matches the beginning of a line in a file
However, this is technically not a reliable way to do it! If we were to
look at the table of ASCII quality scores, we can see that @
actually a permitted value in the quality line (corresponding to a Q
score of 31). Granted, we would have to be unlucky enough to have the
first base in the sequence to have a Q31 score, but with large datasets
it is possible that it would skew our results.
To reliably count the entries in our file, let’s look at our next
bioinformatic tool, awk
Invented in the 1970’s, awk
is a scripting language included in
Unix-like operating systems. It specializes in one-liner programs and
manipulating text files, and like most scripting languages it is also
capable of various mathematical and logical operations.
In many cases, if you’re parsing information from a text file, you could
write a Python script… or you could do it with awk
in a single line!
This is intended just as a quick introduction to awk
, we will go into
more details in later workshops when we talk about interval files, where
the power of awk
really shines.
scripts are organized as:
awk 'pattern { action; other action }' filename
Meaning that every time that the pattern is true, awk will execute the action in the brackets. By default, if no pattern is specified it matches every line in the input file, so the action will be taken every line, e.g. the following command:
awk '{print}' data1/test.fa
# awk: A command line scripting language command
# '' : Within the single quotes is the user defined script for awk to run on the provided file
Because we did not specify any pattern, the print
action will execute
every line of the file.
Similarly, if a pattern is specified without an action, the default
action is {print}
. This is useful to concisely select lines from a
file where the pattern expression evaluates to true, and is similar in
function to grep
For our purposes today, the two most important patterns for our purposes
and END
, which tell the action to take place before any
lines are read and after the last line.
has several built-in variables that are very useful for parsing
text. We’ll use more of these variables in a later workshop when we talk
about interval files, but for now let’s focus one variable called NR
refers to ‘Number of Records’ in our file. By default, a record
refers to a single line of the file, so NR
is the number of lines
seen so far in the program, or a count of the total number of lines in
the file if evaluated in an action that matches the END
Going back to our original question, we know that each entry in a FASTQ
file has four lines! To count how many sequences are in our dataset, we
can combine the NR
variable and the END
pattern with some basic
division. Try running the following:
awk 'END{print NR / 4}' data1/test.fq
# awk: A command line scripting language command
# '' : Within the single quotes is the user defined script for awk to run on the provided file
This example scratches the surface of what can be done with awk
. For a
good reference for additional one-line awk
commands for doing
frequently performed operations, check out awk one
Let’s move on to the next step of our “pipeline.” Once we have our sequence files, a next step would typically be to map them against a reference genome. This could be in the form of mapping RNAseq reads to calculate differential expression, mapping genomic DNA from a population to call variants, or numerous other applications. There are a number of different programs for mapping (e.g. BWA, STAR, minimap2) and which you choose will vary based on your data type and experimental design, but the alignment file created will likely be interchangeable.
Intro to SAM/BAM format
SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is one of the most common file
formats produced by many different pieces of alignment software, both
for long and short read sequence data. It is a tab delineated text file,
with 11 mandatory fields, or columns, (listed below), plus header lines
denoted with an @
at the start of the line.
SAM files are human readable, but can be quite large. An alternate format is the Binary Alignment/Map (BAM) file, which is binary compressed and not human readable, but is more compact and efficient to work with. Most pipelines will use BAM format over SAM.
Let’s take a look at a SAM file. We could use the typical bash commands
like cat
or less
to view it, but there is a better way. Namely using
our next bioinformatic tool, samtools
SAMtools is a suite of
programs that are extremely useful for processing mapped reads and for
downstream analysis. As stated above, SAM/BAM files from different
programs are (mostly) interchangeable, so samtools
will work with a
file SAM/BAM file no matter what program produced it. It has a ton of
functions (which you can check out on the manual
page), but we will go through
several of the most common uses.
samtools view
As the name suggests, this command lets you view the content of a SAM
or BAM file (whereas if you tried opening a BAM file with something
like less
, it would be unreadable). Let’s take a look at a file.
Run the code below to display a few lines of a SAM file to the screen:
samtools view data1/file.sam | head -n 5
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
# -n 5: This option tells head to only display the first 5 lines of the file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
A quick note on pipes: in the above command you’ll see the |
character, which is a pipe. This is a part of the bash command line,
and allows output from one command to be passed directly into a
subsequent command as input. These can be chained together, passing
input between a whole string of commands! This is especially useful with
, as the commands are designed to feed into one another and
pipes will cut down on the number of intermediate files created.
We will look at creating efficient pipelines more in depth in a later
workshop. In this case however, we are just passing the output to the
command to view the first several lines.
As stated above, our file is tab-separated with 11 columns, plus a series of optional tags containing information about the sequence.
Column | Description |
1 | Read name |
2 | Bitwise flag |
3 | Reference name |
4 | Leftmost mapping position |
5 | MAPQ quality score |
6 | CIGAR string |
7 | Name of 2nd read in pair |
8 | Position of 2nd read in pair |
9 | Length of mapping segment |
10 | Sequence of segment |
11 | Phred33 quality score at each position |
SAM/BAM files can be intimidating to look at as they are very dense in information, so let’s focus in on a few important parts.
SAM flags
The second column in a BAM/SAM file is the bitwise flag. The flag value is an integer, which is the sum of a series of decimal values that give information about how a read is mapped.
Integer | Description |
1 | read is paired |
2 | read mapped in proper pair |
4 | read unmapped |
8 | mate is unmapped |
16 | read on reverse strand |
32 | mate on reverse strand |
64 | first read in pair |
128 | second read in pair |
256 | not primary alignment |
512 | alignment fails quality checks |
1024 | PCR or optical duplicate |
2048 | supplementary alignment |
So e.g., for a paired-end mapping data set, a flag = 99 (1+2+32+64) means the read is mapped along with its mate (1 and 2) and in the proper orientation (32 and 64). Don’t worry about memorizing these, there are plenty of tools online that decode these flags for you, such as right here.
Filtering reads
While you don’t need to know all the SAM flags, if there is one flag
that is useful to have memorized it is 4, which means the read is
unmapped. Unmapped reads are most often filtered out, as many
programs used in downstream analysis of SAM/BAM files only want mapped
reads (and also to save space on disk!). You can filter reads containing
a given flag using the -f
(only take reads that match given flags) and
(only take reads that do NOT match given flag) options in
samtools view
Run the code below to remove unmapped reads from the SAM file and display the first few reads retained:
samtools view -F 4 data1/file.sam | head
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -F 4: This option tells samtools to filter any reads with the "4" flag
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
This removes any read that contains the 4 flag (e.g. 77, 141, etc.). You can filter on any other criteria using flags as well, e.g. only gets reads that map in proper pair:
samtools view -f 2 -h data1/file.sam
Note this uses -f
, not -F
, which RETAINS reads with those flags
rather than filtering them!
Exercise: Count how many reads in the SAM file are mapped in their proper pairs vs not proper pairs? Hint: remember, we can
towc -l
to count the number of lines of a file! Write your answer in the code block below.
Converting between SAM/BAM
Remember that SAM files are plain-text tab-delimited files that can be easily read. However, they can be huge and take up a lot of space on our servers, so a compressed version is used, called BAM files.
By default samtools view
outputs in SAM format, so converting from
BAM to SAM is as easy as running
samtools view -h -o outfile.sam file.bam
For converting SAM to BAM, we can still use samtools view
but also
include the -b
Run the code below to convert samtools view output to BAM format and save it to a file:
samtools view -b -h -o file.bam data1/file.sam
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -b: This option tells samtools view to convert the output to BAM format
# -h: Retain the header lines in the input SAM/BAM file in the output
# -o: This option tells samtools view to print the output to the provided file rather than to the screen
ls -l file.bam
# List the info for the BAM file we created to confirm it exists
Note the use of the -h
argument in the command above. As a reminder,
in addition to the 11 tab separated fields, SAM files also contain
header lines that start with @
and describe information about the
sequences found in the file. The -h
argument adds a header, which many
programs require to recognize a SAM/BAM file as properly formatted.
Remember to include it!
Let’s see what adding the -h
argument does, looking at the BAM file we
just created.
Run the code below to display the first few lines of the BAM file to the screen
samtools view -h file.bam | head -n15
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -h: Retain the header lines in the input SAM/BAM file in the output
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
# -n 15: This option tells head to only display the first 15 lines of the file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
We can see the files starts with a series of lines starting with @
meaning the header was properly added. Now let’s omit the -h
and see
what happens.
Run the code below to view the first few lines of the BAM file without the header:
samtools view file.bam | head -n15
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
# -n 15: This option tells head to only display the first 15 lines of the file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
Note that if we don’t specify that we want to print the header,
samtools view
will omit it!
Exercise: Use
samtools view
to display ONLY the header of the BAM file (Hint: Read the help menu or man page ofsamtools view
!). Copy your working code to the code block below.
Sorting and indexing a BAM file
Many functions of samtools
, as well as many programs that do
downstream analysis on BAM files, require that your BAM file be sorted
by sequence (e.g. chromosome, if mapping to an assembly) and position,
and also indexed to be searchable. We can accomplish both of these using
two other functions of samtools
, sort
and index
. Their syntax is
as follows.
Run the code below to create a sorted BAM file from our original, and then indexes the sorted file.
samtools sort -o file.sorted.bam file.bam
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# sort: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -o: This option tells samtools view to print the output to the provided file rather than to the screen
ls -l file.sorted.bam
# List the info for the BAM file we created to confirm it exists
samtools index file.sorted.bam
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# index: The sub-program of samtools to execute
ls -l file.sorted.bam.bai
# List the info for the index file we created to confirm it exists
For the sort
, the -o
argument gives the name of the desired output
file. For index
, we only have to provide the name of the BAM file we
want to index and it will automatically create an output file with the
same name as the input plus the .bai
suffix, indicating that it is the
corresponding index.
PRACTICE: Putting it all together!
That was a lot of info! Let’s take everything that we have learned and organize it into what a typical workflow might look like. Assume that we have already aligned the data and the aligner we used outputs the alignment file in SAM format. We want to go from our initial SAM file and end up with a sorted, indexed BAM file with only the mapped reads retained. Try inputting the commands yourself, then we will walk through it together.
- Convert the
SAM file to BAM format while retaining the header and removing unmapped reads, then sort the file. Call the new filefile.mapped.sorted.bam
commands can also make use of pipes (|
) to avoid writing intermediate files! 2. Index the newly created sorted BAM file. Copy your working code to the code block below.
## Convert to BAM with header and without unmapped reads and then sort
# data1/file.sam
ls -l file.mapped.sorted.bam
# List the info for the BAM file we created to confirm it exists
## Index the new BAM file
ls -l file.mapped.sorted.bam.bai
# List the info for the index file we created to confirm it exists
## Convert to BAM with header and without unmapped reads and then sort
# data1/file.sam
samtools view -h -b -F 4 data1/file.sam | samtools sort -o file.mapped.sorted.bam
ls -l file.mapped.sorted.bam
# List the info for the BAM file we created to confirm it exists
## Index the new BAM file
samtools index file.mapped.sorted.bam
ls -l file.mapped.sorted.bam.bai
# List the info for the index file we created to confirm it exists
You should see files named file.mapped.sorted.bam
Downstream analysis
Now that our BAM is sorted and indexed, we can begin pulling useful information out of it. Let’s look at several applications, using some of SAMtools (many) other functions.
Subsetting specific regions
The third and fourth columns of a SAM/BAM file denote the name of the
reference sequence and the starting position that the query sequence
(i.e. the sequence from your FASTA/FASTQ file) maps to. By default
samtools view
prints all alignments, but you can specify a specific
chromosome by adding the chromosome name at the end of the command.
Run the following command to display only alignments from chromosome 2:
samtools view file.mapped.sorted.bam 2 | head
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# view: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# 2: This tells samtools view to only display alignments from this region
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
This pulls out reads from the file that map to the chromosome named ‘2’.
If we wanted to be even more specific, we can add coordinates of a
sub-region on the chromosome, the syntax for which looks like this:
Exercise: Write a command to display only regions that align to chromosome 2 from position 200 to position 1000. Pipe the output to head to cut down on screen output. Write your answer in the code block below.
## View only regions mapped to chromosome 2, position 200 to 1000. Pipe to head.
# file.mapped.sorted.bam
samtools view file.mapped.sorted.bam 2:200-1000 | head
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
Calculating coverage
One of the most common things you will want to know about your mapped reads is their coverage and depth, as this can impact your confidence in the assembly, the validity of your SNP calls, etc. “Coverage” is defined as the percentage of positions that have at least one base aligned to it (think of it as how much sequence is covered by mapped reads), while “depth” can be thought of as the redundancy of coverage (i.e. how many bases are aligned to a particular sequence). There are many approaches you can take to calculate coverage and depth, several of which you can do with SAMtools.
samtools coverage
: for each contig/scaffold in the BAM/SAM file,
outputs several useful summary stats as a table.
Run the code below to calculate coverage in the BAM file:
samtools coverage file.mapped.sorted.bam
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# coverage: The sub-program of samtools to execute
Like with samtools view
, can also specify coordinates, although
(annoyingly) the syntax is slightly different, in that you have to
specify the -r
option before the region.
Exercise: Write a command calculate coverage only of regions that align to chromosome 2 from position 200 to position 1000. Don’t forget -r here! Copy your working code to the code block below.
As a quick way to visualize coverage, you can use the -m
option create
a histogram of coverage over a contig.
Run the code below to calculate coverage for a region and display a text-based histogram:
samtools coverage -m file.mapped.sorted.bam -r 1:1-1000
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# coverage: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -m: This option tells samtools coverage to display a text histogram, rather than a table
This is a useful first-pass analysis or sanity check. However, a more
thorough way to evaluate coverage is to look at per-base coverage rather
than the average. For this you can use samtools depth
Run the code below to calculate per-base coverage for a given region of the BAM file:
samtools depth -a file.mapped.sorted.bam -r 1:1000-2000 | head
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# depth: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# -a: This tells samtools depth to display information for every position, even if coverage is 0
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
This outputs a three column table, where the 1st column is the contig/scaffold/chromosome name, the 2nd is the position on that scaffold, and the 3rd is the depth (number of reads) over that base. This list is convenient for importing to programs like R, where you can plot e.g. a histogram showing the distribution of per-base depth, or distribution of depth over a contig.
Another useful function built into SAMtools is samtools stats
, which
gives some quick summary statistics about your mapping reads. The amount
of information it generates is somewhat overkill in most cases, so we
will just look at the summary, with the help of our old friend grep
Run the code below to calculate stats on our BAM file and view only certain lines:
samtools stats file.mapped.sorted.bam | grep '^SN' | cut -f 2-
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# stats: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# grep: The Unix string search command
# '^SN': The string to search for in the provided file with ^ being the regular expression that matches the beginning of a line in a file
is another command line tool. Don’t worry too much about what it
is doing here, but in short it is just trimming off a useless column at
the start of the output)
Other useful SAMtools tricks
Extracting a single sequence from a FASTA file
A common task you might want to do is to extract a single sequence from
a FASTA file, e.g. you just want to work on a small test chromosome
for a pilot analysis. Although we learned how to do this with grep
earlier today, samtools
also has a way to do this, using the faidx
command. This command also creates an index of a FASTA file with
the .fai
extension. This index is required for many downstream
analyses. However, if you provided with a region in the same format
we’ve seen before (scaffold:start-end), it will also extract that
Exercise: Use samtools faidx to extract the sequence from chromsome 2R of the Drosophila melanogaster genome, positions 200 to 300. Write your answer in the code block below.
Exercise: Use samtools faidx to extract the sequence from chromsome 2R of the Drosophila melanogaster genome, positions 200 to 300. Write your answer in the code block below.
This is a very efficient way to extract sequences from a FASTA file
(because samtools
is very efficient!).
As SAM/BAM files contain both the sequence and the quality information
for the aligned reads, it is very easy to convert back to sequence
files! Just use samtools fastq
or samtools fasta
E.g. the following command will create a FASTQ file of only the mapped reads (as we are pulling from the BAM file where we filtered out the unmapped ones).
Run the following code to convert the sequences in our BAM to FASTQ format and view only the first few lines of the output:
samtools fastq file.mapped.sorted.bam | head -n 12
# samtools: A suite of programs to process SAM/BAM files
# fastq: The sub-program of samtools to execute
# | : The Unix pipe operator to pass output from one command as input to another command
# head: a Unix command to display the first few lines of the provided file
# -n 12: This option tells head to only display the first 12 lines of the file
## NOTE: ignore the "Broken pipe" and "error closing standard output" errors! This is just an artifact of our setup for the workshop today.
Merge BAM files
You can combine multiple sorted BAM/SAM files, which can be useful if you have done multiple rounds of mapping:
Unless otherwise specified, the headers will also be merged.
End of Day 1
That’s it for day 1! Join us tomorrow to learn about bed files and awk!