Current workshops

Love Data Month

February is Love Data Month! We are offering 3 different activities in the spirit of data management.
Data Visualization Spa
We are opening a Data Visualization Spa from February 10th - 14th. Sign up for a 30-minute consultation with our team to give your tired and frazzled data visualization code (in R or python) a refreshing spa treatment! We will help you write more readable and efficient figure-generating code, annotate and organize your scripts to improve reproducibility, and more! Click "Jump to the next available date" on the calendar signup to see all available slots.
Publishing your data analysis on GitHub
This will be offered in person and virtually. Pick which day works best for you!
February 18th, 10 AM - 12 PM in person room #LL03 in Cabot Library
Do you need to share your data analysis code but don't know where to start? Is the GitHub website too confusing to navigate? We can help! Join us for a 2 hour seminar in which we will learn about what git/GitHub is, what is good to share of your analysis, how to organize your project code before publishing it, and of course, how to use GitHub as a publishing platform. We recommend this talk for those who would like to improve their open science practices. No coding background is expected.
Version Control and Collaboration using git/GitHub
This will be offered in person and virtually. Pick which day works best for you!
February 25th 10 AM - 12 PM in person room #LL03 in Cabot Library
Do you want to keep track of changes in your code, collaborate with others, or share your code with the world? Join us for a 2 hour hands-on workshop in that aims to teach the basics of using git/GitHub for version control of your project code. We will also cover collaborating on the same project with other people and how to manage conflicts. This workshop is recommended for researchers who want to integrate git into their coding or data analysis practice. Some familiarity with command line tools will be helpful, but is not required.
Check out other "Love Data Week" events from the Harvard Library!
Monday, February 10, 1:00 pm | Navigating Data Ownership Policies at Harvard
Tuesday, February 11, 1:00 pm | Data Management Offboarding for Research Projects at Harvard
Thursday, February 13, 12:30 pm | Practice into Action: Tools to Confidently Plan, Manage, and Share Research Data at Harvard
1 hour seminars
We will be offering three 1-hour seminars on Wednesdays in March. All seminars will be hybrid on zoom and in person in the Northwest Building meeting room B253
March 5 11AM-12PM - Introduction to Genome Annotation
The seminar will consist of a broad overview of what genome annotation is, an explanation of the various approaches and how they differ, and discussion of what metrics one should consider using to evaluate genome annotation quality. Students will learn how to pick the right tool for annotation and how to evaluate the product of that tool.
March 12 11AM-12PM - Introduction to scRNA analysis
This seminar provides a gentle introduction to the motivations for scRNAseq, the current technologies available from to design your single-cell experiment, the distinct data processing challenges that scRNAseq presents (compared to bulk RNAseq), and basic data processing and analysis steps that are the foundation for performing downstream analyses aimed at generating deeper biological insights.
March 26 11AM-12PM - Installing & Managing software (Conda, Containers)
This seminar is intended for people who use (or may use) command line softwares and programs and assumes basic command line knowledge. We will learn about why software management is challenging, how to create and share conda environments, and how to use docker/singularity containers. We will be using the command line on the Cannon cluster, but these concepts can be translated to working on your local computer as well.
Office hours
During the Fall and Spring semesters, we hold office hours every week on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:00 pm in Northwest Building B227.45. If you can't make it in person, you can always contact us or ask your question on our slack!
This google calendar will show all our upcoming office hours as well as any workshops we have scheduled.