Contact us
There are several ways to get in touch with us:
To set up a meeting with us to discuss a consult on your project, please fill out the contact form here (Harvard Key required).
If you want to join a bioinformatics discussion group and get quick help from us or the community, please join our slack channel.
Office hours
You can drop in to our office hours without an appointment. We hold office hours during the semester on Wednesdays 1:30 - 4:00 PM in the Northwest Building (map) B227.45. Check the events page for an up to date schedule.
Subscribe to our newsletter
We will send you emails notifying you about upcoming workshops and other events.
Links to related groups
Bauer Sequencing Core
For questions about sequencing or library prep, contact the Bauer Sequencing Core.
Research Computing
For questions about cluster access, infrastructure, or data access and storage, contact FAS Research Computing.